Join us on the third Weds of every other month!

Meetings are held bi-monthly, typically as an online meeting combined with in-person opportunities during larger industry related shows (Advertising Week, Digiday, IAB, etc). There is no charge to attend or participate, but we do appreciate knowing who’s available, so please register. If you can’t make the time of the meeting, please feel free to submit topic ideas or questions you’d like addressed.

2025 Bi Monthly Meetings

March 19 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

The IMA Alliance is a peer group comprised of members representing a wide range of Internet / Interactive / Innovation marketing associations from across the US.

The group is not commercially funded or sponsored, nor are there financial obligations to join. This initiative was formed and is managed by like-minded leadership seeking excellence in educational and networking resources for their own local communities.

Participating Organizations